It’s Fall!

color blast
My commute to and from work is lined with trees for miles and miles that, just in the past week, have seen their leaves go from all green to a hint of yellow, to full on orange, to blood red.  It’s much more scenic than the commute I had for the past 4 years, even if it is over twice as long.  So after my annual rereading of this excellent McSweeney’s piece, I’ve been getting out of the house and watching the colors and enjoying the wonderful weather we’ve had here in Michigan, where all the trees are just the right height.

Last week I went to Grand Rapids 4 times.  To go for long walks in the city while drinking iced coffee and soaking in Artprize, to see a funny movie and enjoying time with others even if we completely missed this, to drink good beer, to race a little cyclocross, to just get out of the house and go do things.  It was all so great.  Every week should be like that.

Jack Kunnen Photography: Richmond Park &emdash; IMG_6620

I had a good race.   Finished 8th or so.  Maybe by the end of the season I’ll move up to the “A” race.  It just feels good to bust your legs and lungs for 45 minutes straight.  I’m technically tapering for the marathon on Sunday, but I can’t stop moving.  I just want to ride my bike and be outside and get dirty.

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