There might be a light at the end of the tunnel

The good news is that my PET-CT scan results were what we were expecting.  Mainly, the cancer hot spots throughout my lymph system are no longer there, and the mass in my chest that was 16 cm across is now just 6 cm, and more importantly is not metabolically active anymore.  It’s most likely just …

Notes from a swinging chair overlooking Lake Michigan

I stubbed my big toe pretty badly a few nights ago.  I’ve been hobbling around on one leg, hoping that my toenail would just fall off already and provide some relief, to no avail.  Sometimes I think my tolerance for pain needs to be recalibrated. I went to the ER late last night to finally …

It’s been a slow week.  Each day the sun hangs in the sky for an extra breathe, an MJ-esque hangtime, refusing to follow its natural course and bring an end to the day.  I had my 7th round of chemo on Monday, which should technically mean I’m more than halfway done.  After 4 hours at …